Takeoff podcast

Concept / Branding / Illustration

Takeoff is a podcast created to document an exchange semester abroad in 2019. I studied in Singapore and my friend Linn in Canada. We wanted to share our experiences during our studies in a different format than just images and came up with the idea to create a podcast. Mainly for friends and family, but also as a memory for ourselves. And we wanted to do it properly. After several hours of brainstorming, we designed a graphic identity, came up with a name and a jingle, created an account at a podcast hotel, and bought good microphones. During our exchange semesters, we recorded episodes, edited them, and published them all ourselves. As a result, we inspired others to go abroad and got persons interested in our program at Linköping University. It made me really happy and proud that we took the chance and did it!

Team: Emilia Larsson & Linn Granström

Takeoff phone
Takeoff cover
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